Power Systems Analysis

Power Systems Analysis

We provide a wide range of power systems analysis studies, using industry-standard software such as DIgSILENT, IPSA and PSCAD.

We carry out full sets of compliance studies for onshore (wind/solar/battery storage) and offshore wind developers. This includes design of mitigation solutions, such as harmonic filters, pre-insertion resistors and point on wave controller.

We have a strong understanding of the grid code requirements as well as our clients’ needs and are able to deliver the highest quality work in a timely manner.

What is Power Systems Analysis?

Power Systems Analysis, or Power Systems Studies, are desk based systems studies that are used to analyse the electricity networks in detail.  This might include delivering a set of studies for a renewable generator or Battery Energy Storage (BESS) developer to ensure that they will be compliant with the requirements of the networks, for example regarding power quality and harmonics, voltage changes, reactive compensation etc.  Alternatively, it might involve studying wider issues and changes on the electricity networks such as inertia, stability, fault levels, sub-synchronous resonance issues etc.

The need for complex power systems studies is increasing as the proportion of renewable energy sources connected to the grid increases.  This means we are seeing big growth in these services, particularly for PSCAD and control interaction studies.

Also, as the requirements for models from the network operators become more stringent, we regularly assist our clients in developing and providing these models in a range of software including DIgSILENT, PSCAD and PSSe.

Power System Analysis Studies

Typical Power System Analysis study packages include:

  • Load flow study
  • Reactive power capability & compensation equipment sizing & specification
  • Short-circuit / fault level study and equipment rating
  • Voltage Control and Reactive Power Stability
  • Frequency Response (LFSM-O, LFSM-U, FSM)
  • Fault Ride Through (FRT)
  • Fast Fault Current Injection (FFCI)
  • G5/4 or G5/5 harmonics, including filter design
  • Electromagnetic transients, transformer energisation,
  • voltage fluctuations and flicker
  • AC System voltage variations
  • Insulation Coordination
  • Protection coordination
  • Arc flash
  • Earthing Study

The output of our studies seeks to recommend any mitigation strategies where these are required, and to suggest pragmatic and cost-effective solutions. We have recently carried out a full filter design to provide mitigation to a harmonics issue.

We have also supported our clients with negotiations with DNOs and TSOs, in order to agree on sensible approaches to connection. For P28 studies, we can recommend a range of mitigation solutions with their various advantages and disadvantages, and work closely with our clients to identify the best solution for their needs.